Gordon Sheppard

Writer, Photographer, Filmmaker

“Magnificent, riveting, terrifying work” – Susan Kent Davidson

I have just finished reading your magnificent, riveting, terrifying work, and want to congratulate you and to thank you. How can I find the words? HA! is analytically brilliant, poetically masterful, and truly a thriller … To be held for so long, to be as anxious or angry as I often was, even to smile as often as I did, given the story, given the length — I would say that you have done Sherlock Holmes and Hubert Aquin himself proud … as maybe he knew you would.

How can I thank you? I don’t often live with my books for long (my failure, but the brain grows old), but this one I think will never leave me. You have created something wondrous here … and I wish for this great book the international success it richly deserves.

– Susan Kent Davidson, book editor